UX trainings

User experience is a fascinating and constantly evolving field and I really enjoy sharing my expertise in this area through UX training. My focus is on explaining complex content in a clear and structured way, using practical examples and exchanging knowledge with the participants.

Varies depending on training
My part
Preparation and moderation of the trainings

The opportunity to support others on their UX journey while gaining valuable experience myself is both inspiring and motivating.

During my time at UID I conducted two UX trainings. One was a 2-day UX training for a enterprise client, aimed at upskilling UX designers on the client side. The other training was an internal session focused on improving UX skills within the company.

#01 UX training

2-day interaction design training

In November 2024, a colleague and I conducted a 2-day UX training on Interaction Design for a enterprise client. We did the training at the client’s location with an expectation of 6-12 participants. The training was aimed at upskilling the client’s UX designers and was planned to be mainly lecture-based, with some interactive exercises.

We started by looking at the basics of design. As many topics fall under interaction design and there are several related areas, we also covered topics such as psychological principles, behavioural design, UX rules and design patterns.

#02 UX further education

Internal training "The journey to good UX"

In January 2025 I conducted a training on “The Journey to Good UX – Customer Journey vs. User Journey”. The training took place internally and was aimed at improving UX skills within the company. Fifteen people attended and the session was designed as a lecture-like presentation.


I started with an overview of different mapping methods to highlight the focus of this training. I explained the structure, use and benefits of journey maps. Next, I looked at the similarities and differences between user journeys and customer journeys. The session ended with an open question and answer session.